Terrestar, with the assistance of Mavenir, has also established a state-of-the-art laboratory dedicated to standard-based satellite communication testing and integration in Montreal.
(北京,2024年12月11日)越捷航空机队迎来了一位备受瞩目的新成员——一架空客A321neo ACF(Airbus Cabin Flex,意为空客灵活客舱),自德国汉堡空客工厂荣耀启程,顺利抵达越南胡志明市新山一国际机场。这标志着越...
The ready-to-drink cocktail brand is giving fans 21 and older the chance to win a limited-edition FRESCA Mixed Muff – a reinvention of the iconic winter accessory designed to keep hands warm (and sty...
New executive hires reinforce the company's commitment to elevating the customer experience, driving growth on a global scale, and leading a movement to transform the insurance industry in 2025 and be...
作为 Web3 游戏领域的先行者,Sidus Heroes 以其创新的太空主题元宇宙和独特的经济生态,正在重塑玩家对沉浸式游戏体验的认知。凭借史诗级的背景故事、可交易代币和丰富的资源生态,Sidus Heroes 为玩家提供了跨越星...
NielsenIQ (NIQ)携手World Data Lab、SPATE合作发布了一份全面的代际消费者报告,关注未来十年的美业市场。
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. (NYSE:ICE), a leading global provider of technology and data, today announced the latest addition to its global energy offering with the launch of Japanese Power Futures.
专注于活动制作的公司Global Produce Co., Ltd. 欣然宣布,将面向希望在日本举办活动的海外公司全面推出制作服务。