The ISL6146DFUZ emerges as a pivotal component in the realm of electronic systems, embodying a blend of cutting-edge power management capabilities and advanced features. Manufactured by Intersil, a re...
The XCS30XL-4VQG100C FPGA, a flagship product from Xilinx, embodies a fusion of advanced features and robust design, offering unparalleled performance and versatility for embedded system applications....
AM Project 3: Real-time 2-D Object Recognition
Project 3: Real-time 2-D Object Recognition
Due Feb 24 by 11:59pm
Points 30
This project is about 2D object recognition. The goal is to have th...
Assignment 3: Executor
Welcome to the Executor assignment. This assignment exercises your understanding of an evaluator implementation for WHERE clauses.
In the Database Management Sy...
CIT 594 Solo Project
An Exercise in Software Design
Planning and design are key to successfully building complex software; these are the focus of this
assignment. You will apply the design principles...
CS6238 Secure Computer Systems – Spring Project 4:
Secure Shared Store (3S)
IMPORTANT NOTE: We will not accept PyCrypto, Crypto, or Cryptodome libraries
in project four. Use the cryptography library...
IERG 4080 Assignment 4 (Mini Project)
Individual project: each student should work on his/her own project
Deadline: 23:59, 12 May 2024 (Sunday)
15% of the final grade
In this mini project, y...
FIN 3080 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
Spring 2024 | CUHK (SZ)
Assignment III
Due: 23:59, April 19, 2024
• A delayed or incomplete submission before the suggested solution...